Terms & Conditions
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they contain important information about your rights and obligations when purchasing or selling a private registration through REG HEAVEN LTD.
Our registered office is 27A Warren Drive, Wallasey, Merseyside, CH45 0JW. Our company registration number is 13175875.
When You Buy A Registration
1. When you buy a number plate, you do not own it, you, or a nominee of your choice, has the sole right to display the registration mark. This is in compliance with current government regulation.
2. All registrations are sold subject to availability. We cannot be responsible for third parties who withdraw the registrations from sale or in the event of failure of the transfer at DVLA transfer level. All registration availability and prices shown throughout this website are subject to change without notice.
3. No order will be accepted by the company until all aspects of the order including availability and price have been checked and confirmed by the company.
4. The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 says, if a buyer does not proceed with the transfer of the registration mark after paying the part/full payment, or fails to supply the full documentation required by DVLA, then no part of this payment is refundable. Bespoke and personalised items are excluded from Consumer Contract Regulations 2013 for distant sales. This means consumers do not have the right to cancel once orders have been placed as our services in respect of supply of registrations and/or number plates commences immediately. All contracts entered into with third parties are legally binding. There is no cooling off period.
5. The company cannot accept applications to cancel pre-owned registrations.
6. We only accept bank transfer, a buyer shall be deemed to have been found once Reg Heaven Ltd have received part/full payment by bank transfer.
7. Reg Heaven Ltd cannot be held responsible for non-availability of a given registration. Should a registration be no longer available after a deposit has been paid, a full repayment will be made.
8. The Buyer of any registration mark must forward full payment before a transfer will be submitted to the vendor. This payment must be made within 14 days of securing the registration by initial part payment, currently £200, or the transaction will be deemed a failure and the Buyer will forfeit their part payment. We must receive any required vehicle documents within a maximum of 21 days from the date of initial payment.
9. In the event of Reg Heaven Ltd being unable to supply a registration or the transaction failing prior to completion, due to no fault of the Buyer the buyer will receive a full refund of all amounts to the total paid ONLY. This will be in the form of a bank transfer.
10. The Secretary of State for Transport, Environment of the Regions or their agents, the DVLA (as keeper of their records), may at any time revoke the right to a registration mark for whatever reason. In this highly unlikely event Registrations Reg Heaven Ltd cannot be held responsible. Reg Heaven Ltd are also not liable for any change in Government legislation or policy or its consequences.
11. Displaying a plate that makes a vehicle look younger than it is, is not permitted. Numbers and letters must be displayed as intended, alteration to spacing, omitting digits or letters is also not allowed. Make sure the number you purchase can be displayed legally and is suitable for display on the intended vehicle.
12. Reg Heaven Ltd shall not be responsible for any delays that the DVLA are responsible for. Most registrations are held on retention certificates; those still on vehicles will take longer to transfer, in a worst-case scenario, this could take up to 12 weeks depending on the DVLA schedule. Reg Heaven Ltd will not be held responsible for any loss delays may cause.
13. Reg Heaven Ltd do not have a price match policy.
14. Liability is limited to full refunds only.
15. All prices are subject to fluctuation.
16. Important: Due to current regulations, it is not possible to make a vehicle look younger by applying an inappropriate registration number to a vehicle. This is the purchaser’s responsibility!!
17 Registrations can only be assigned to vehicles that are of a tax and testable type.
18. We operate a managed transfer service. The contract will be fulfilled when we certify that the retention certificate has been sent to the purchaser.
19. If Reg Heaven Ltd are transferring the registration to a vehicle, it is the buyer’s responsibility to provide us with their V5C log book in order to allow the transfer.
20. We will assign the purchased registration using the vehicle information provided/submitted to us. We accept no responsibility if the incorrect information has been provided.
21. Reg Heaven Ltd will sell your plate on a commission basis. There is no charge for our personal service. There are no charges for advertising or promoting your registration number.
22. The agreement to sell a registration can be rescinded at any time by either party at no cost to the seller.
23. Once a sale has been confirmed with yourself, Reg Heaven Ltd will act as a broker between both parties and will manage the transaction. We will require your V750/V778 certificate for the registration to be posted to our office address. We may also ask you to send us details of the certificate by telephone/email to speed up the process.
24. We give no undertaking as to how long it will take a registration sell.
25. Once the registration number has been assigned to the new purchaser’s vehicle, we will make payment to the vendor within 7 working days by bank transfer.
26. If we are prevented or delayed by any event outside our reasonable control from performing any of our obligations, or for error's caused by third parties whilst undertaking our duties, under these terms or otherwise, we shall be relieved of liability for failure to perform, damages, or for delay in performing such obligations.
27. These terms do not affect your statutory rights, but form the basis of the agreement between Registrations Alpha Numeris and yourself, whether purchaser or vendor.
Reg Heaven Ltd, 15/01/2025
Complaints in writing to: Reg Heaven Ltd, 27A Warren Drive, Wallasey, Merseyside, CH45 0JW or Email: jim.lynchehaun@proton.me